The Resilient Power of Language | Irregular Lectures series #2
Part of the ongoing research for the 2019 grad show at the School of Art&Design, the Fonts Research Lab group is exploring the world and traditions of the Yi People, a Chinese ethnic minority that lives across a number of southern regions and speaks and writes its own language. The Yi script is a sinoform pictorial idiom that has both a modern and ancient form.
Part of our Irregular Lectures series Professor Puchi Daling will speak of the culture and heritage of the Yi people with relevance to the research that students are undertaking to develop projects for the archiving, divulging and appreciation of this endangered language.
Prof Puchi is an expert in Yi studies, director of the Chinese Society of Minority Writers, a poet and critic who has won the first prize of the National Literature Competition many times. He is a Professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Students realized this beautiful poster using a newly designed font for the script.